Friday Fun: Kitchen gadgets

I have been buying kitchen gadgets for as long as I have had my own place.  So, a long time.  Sadly, I had to leave them all behind when I moved to Germany, there was no room in my luggage and it was too expensive to ship.  I love to be in the kitchen cooking and love it even more when I have the proper equipment for the recipes I am making.

So, here I am,starting over and rebuilding a kitchen here in Germany, piece by piece.  It’s a tiny kitchen, but it is a functional kitchen none the less.  Here are a few of the things I have added to my new kitchen so far. (I have a long way to go, but you have to start somewhere!)


My first purchase was a can opener.  Not just any can opener, but a Kuhn Rikon.  I consider it the Cadillac of can openers.  It is easy to use, and leaves no sharp edges when you remove the lid.  It also has a handy-dandy bottle opener and a sharp end to rip plastic off packages.(My first Kuhn Rikon can opener was a gift from my dear friend, Adrienne.  Now it resides in my cousin, Lisa’s kitchen.  Where I hope she is loving it as much as I did!)

I also bought a set of Kuhn Rikon colored knives.  So far, they have held up well and seem to be staying sharp.  They would look amazing hung up on the magnetized strip that I bought for said purpose.   I asked my husband to hang up the magnet strip back in November, it is now March.  I think that he may be waiting for next November to hang it up.

This past Christmas, I received a fancy garlic press. You put the garlic cloves in and then press down and twist.  We tend to eat enough garlic to repeal an army of vampires, so it was definitely one of my favourite gifts.  But, I do find it to be a hard item to clean properly.  So, I am now on the look out for a hand held garlic press.  Any brand suggestions that I should keep a lookout for?

My other favorite kitchen necessity is my French Press from Bodum.  My husband and I always have 2 cups of coffee together each morning, and this French Press makes just enough for our morning ritual.  I have thought about getting a coffee maker just for the ease of making the coffee, but due to limited counter space, I do not think we will get one.  Plus, I really do prefer the taste of coffee from the French Press.

My Dream Kitchen Gadget is a pink Kitchen Aid with a pasta press attachment.  Since I am currently not working, this item will have to remain a dream for a while yet.  But, a girl can still dream!

What kitchen gadgets would you find it hard to live without?  What gadgets do you have, but never use?  Looking forward to hearing from you!

62 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Kitchen gadgets

  1. Love the knives! We also eat enough garlic to repel all the vampires! I just bought one from John Lewis and it’s so easy to clean and to also get the those last remaining annoying bits out of. It’s made by OXO.

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  2. I love my boiled egg maker… it does eggs hard medium or soft and you don;t have to be stood there waiting, as it sets off a timer when they are ready! And I do love my hard boiled egg slicer!

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  3. Mine is my zyliss peeler. It’s just perfect. It’s shaped just right for your hand and strips the peel straight off, not like those crappy cheap plastic things.

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  4. OXO kitchen utensils are always fab – and Joseph Joseph too. My own personal favourite is a rather smaltzy bean to cup coffee machine that I was given to review. It makes fab coffee – but I have to say I doubt I’d spend the £1,600 or so it would cost if I’d bought it!

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  5. Oh my word, I love a gadget!! Hadn’t heard of some of the ones you spoke about. Will be on Amazon later!!! 😂 I have to say I love my Kitchen Aid. One of my best purchases – just makes life so much easier. I don’t know of anything I don’t use in my kitchen. Sounds silly but I like a good old fashioned wooden spoon 😊

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      1. I feel like I use so many utensils when baking! I have no finesse – stuff is everywhere. I’m much better and tidier when cooking a meal. My husband on the other hand = bomb site of utensils 😂

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      2. It always looks like there has been an explosion in the kitchen when I am cooking or baking. Especially now with my tiny little kitchen. But, it’s small so it’s pretty easy to tidy up. My husband makes a mess in the kitchen too…. the food is always good… But the mess is epic

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  6. You had me at gadgets! I do love gadgets! Recently I purchased a wine bottle cork remover that was very extravagant and looks like a medieval torture device. I was so excited thinking I’d look like such a bad ass opening my wine bottles for guests and am sadly disappointed that it looks far better than it works.

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    1. Oh no, that is frustrating! But kinda cool that it looks snazzy, too bad it does’t work well. I had a really nice bottle opener in the States, now we just have a little, handheld corkscrew….one that I manage to jam the cork down into the bottle all the time, so now my husband has to open all the bottle of wine for me.

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  7. Oooooooo! I love kitchen gadgets, but I have a confession. I have a Kitchen Aid mixer,(gun metal grey) and I listed after it for ages, but it’s not my favourite! My favourite it a little bottle opener by Alessi – Diablo, in red. I smile every time I use it

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      1. Isn’t it? I just smile every time I see him. I have others, some with a really comfy grip handle, but no – he is my favourite

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  8. I think my favorite item must be my can opener. It’s nowhere near as fancy as what you got, but it’s a hand-me-down from my late grandmother, and it was made in that time where nothing ever broke so I wouldn’t be surprised if it outlived me too hehe. x

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  9. My coffee machine is my friend. Seriously. And for someone who doesn’t cook, I love hanging out in Lakeland. These days I love those silicone cupcake trays and the ice trays, too.

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  10. Nice knives 🙂 My favorite kitchen gadget is my small knife for chopping. I favor small knives, easy to grip for me 🙂 I have been looking for a handheld garlic press too, unable to find it in stores here. 🙂

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  11. I am also a gadget person. Received a lovely KitchenAid mixer as a Christmas gift from the husband and kids two years ago and for my past birthday last year I bought myself (with birthday money from my dear friends) a Vitamix so this lady is a happy camper and a gadget person for sure.

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  12. My favourite is a knife as well.

    We bought a posh Japanese knife for my brother in law’s wedding…but after doing all the research to get them a good one meant we wanted one too. So a few months later we bought one for us. It is brilliant! I decent knife makes cooking a pleasure.

    The one we chose was made by one of the only Japanese ladies that designs and makes her own knives…so I sort of have a feminist knife and it is perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

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