A Leaky Tea Pot and Life Changes

Yesterday I had a moment, a bit of a freak out, I kinda lost my shit.

My beloved tea pot sprung a leak.

This may not mean anything to you, but my tea pot is on the stove with nearly constant use at our house.  I use it to heat the water for the morning coffee, I use it to make my many, many cups of tea through out the day, sometimes I use it to warm up water to make a package of ramen noodles.  My tea pot helps to keep me sane.

I like my routines.  My life has changed drastically since living in Michigan. I now live on another continent, in a new country, I do not speak the local language very well, I am far away from friends and family, I no longer make my own money.  I need my routines, and my coffee and tea to keep me sane and functional in the world that I live.

The death of my dear tea pot almost unhinged me.  How would I make the coffee?, what about my tea?, MY GOD I want some Ramen noodles NOW!

Now, a tea pot can be found for anywhere from 10 euro to 150 Euro.  I had money in my purse.  I could go to the store and buy a tea pot.  But instead, I lost my mind over it.

” I am not working, I can’t use my credit card to buy a tea pot if I am not working!!!  What on EARTH am I doing with my LIFE!!???”

So, there you have it.  I am still on the struggle bus with the changes that I have made in my life.  On one hand, I LOVE my new life.  Dog walking, cooking, baking, writing, all very good things.  Now, on the other hand, I have given up a career and handed over financial control of my life.(To a wonderful man that I trust with my life).  Those are some BIG changes for a girl who used to work 4 jobs at a time!

But, don’t worry, my anxiety soon abated.  I found a nice green coloured tea pot on Amazon, Cheyenne placed the order for me with her German debit card, and soon it will arrive.  I have made due by boiling my water in a pot.  Yes, the situation has been quickly and efficiently handled.  For anyone else, a leaky tea pot would not have been so anxiety provoking.

Life goes on.

So then, any of you ever come unglued over the little things in life, little things that clearly represent much bigger things for you?  How did you handle it?


A photo of my beloved tea pot, resting on a disgusting pile of dog hair in the bin.  So sad.

50 thoughts on “A Leaky Tea Pot and Life Changes

  1. It’s funny how the smallest things can trigger thoughts/anxiety about bigger things. It’s like when my husband is away and the bins don’t get taken out because I have a bad back. And then I worry what I’ll be like in 20yrs and worry that I can’t work a full time job because of my back. And then I worry about our lack of money because I’m unable to work full time. And how much my life has changed since before my bad back. And so on and so forth. All because the bins didn’t get taken out. I also empathise because every girl has got to have a teapot for their tea. Goodness knows where I’d be without mine.

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  2. As a kid, I’d misplace things a lot. Before I was really old enough I had a purse, and misplaced it, and was distraught in an outsize and super major way. I wrote a song about it. I no longer write songs, but I imagine that (like it does for me) your writing this post probably helped you put into perspective this symbolic (and actual) loss. Can’t wait to see a pic of your new green teapot!

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  3. Not being able to find something in my home that I know I have (like a book, photo, etc.) makes me feel crazy! I have trouble resting until I’ve exhausted all likely possibilities. In a few instances, setting a time limit of just how long I will look (and sticking to it!) has been helpful.

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  4. RIP beloved teapot…. I completely understand how something that seems small later on, perhaps can completely unhinge a stressed out sanity! When there is so much going on in life, sometimes a l freak out like this is your body saying that you needed it.

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  5. I relate. I have a sweatshirt I got when I first moved back to Colorado. It’s a Life is Good sweatshirt of the quality they no longer make. Last year, an elbow went. I patched it. Now I see the cuffs are going. I don’t want another sweatshirt. I want THIS ONE. It says, on the front, “Stay True.” I don’t really like people reading my chest, but there is something about those two words. I guess until this thing completely disintegrates, I’ll be staying true to it. I have NO idea why it matters so much to me, but it does.

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  6. I find living in another country does that to you… I cling to my little routines and habits to the point of obsession because they are my new, very limited comfort zone away from what I have always known. And I speak the language of the country I live in and still find it difficult, so I really admire you for uprooting your life like that and making the best of it! I hope your new tea pot is delivered quickly! x

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  7. I’m having an internal freak out right now. We just moved and will do a larger move in two months from CT to FL. I don’t play well when all my things aren’t exactly so. It doesn’t matter to me if the dishes and pots and pans are unpacked. After the bed, my only concern is that my desk is set up so I can write. And until it is, I’m miserable. But my miserable is more of a quiet, distant thing. I’m not there because I’m not whole.

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    1. I have a similar problem where if people are around, I can write posts, but can’t concentrate enough to work on my novels. Because I was sick for two weeks, I started writing in bed while using a portable lap desk. It’s dark and quiet. Can’t hear a thing! I’ve written 32,000 words so far this month for Nanowrimo while tucked under the covers and am feeling guilty about not using my desk. LOL!

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  8. It’s weird how the little things can unhinge us isn’t it Cherie? It’s always the straw that breaks the camel’s back (not the elephant!) I think we go into superwoman mode and cope with all the big stuff, but then something silly and small comes along and we weep. I’m glad you have a new teapot winging its way to you soon.
    MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

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  9. Rest in peace little teapot.

    It’s good that it’ll be sorted soon (and you’ll be ready for tea and ramen noodles…) I think this happens to all of us. It can be the little things that really make you notice big changes.

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  10. I’ve been wondering when it would hit you. And admiring how long you’ve gone. My first freak out was only three months after I arrived in my new world. And my biggest one was four months in. I just wanted all the “new” to stop, just for a little while. Knowing to expect them helped enormously. Enjoy that new teapot. You deserve it. 🙂

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  11. LOL! I’ve been there lots of times. I got a instahot that sprung a leak and I’m incensed that I have to use the microwave for tea. You post reminded me to call my contractor to be sure it’s fixed the next time we go to the mountains! (Danny shuts off the water too, so we don’t have another water leak disaster.)

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  12. The “Struggle Bus” – great phrase! I have been involved in some very stressful professional situations, which don’t freak me out at all – it’s the little things, like leaky tea pots, that trigger exactly what you describe…I thinker’s because these are the “little things” that should all work effortless, and if they cause problems, the whole house of cards will collapse!

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  13. My kettle broke one evening when the shops were closed, I can totally understand your upset. You know how much I love a brew!
    Seriously though it’s often the small things that really hit us, I think somehow we manage the big stuff, but when a small comfort goes, that’s the worst.


  14. My kettle broke one evening when the shops were closed, I can totally understand your upset. You know how much I love a brew!
    Seriously though it’s often the small things that really hit us, I think somehow we manage the big stuff, but when a small comfort goes, that’s the worst.

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