Die Omas Approval

Dirk and I married just about 5 years ago.  We dated long distance for a few years before that, really long distance.  He was in Germany and I was in the United States.  Dating was very expensive as we had to fly to another country to have a coffee together. It took us a while to figure out how to proceed with our relationship.  We knew that we wanted to marry, but who makes the big move?  We couldn’t just call a draw and move somewhere in the middle as that would be somewhere in the Atlantic ocean, and neither of us had a boat.  Since my daughters were still in school, Dirk made the big move to the States.  He left a job he had been with for many years, and more importantly, he moved away from his family and friends.  He has his Mom and Dad, his son Kai, and he also still has his Omas.  As you can imagine, when we told his family of our plans to live in the States they were less than thrilled.  They felt that he may never come back.  I did my best to assure them that we would be back as soon as my daughters finished school and we could make arrangements to come to Germany.  But, I do not think that they truly believed in our plan.  Many people didn’t and many people thought we were both crazy.  I am not disputing the crazy part.

Here we are, 5 years later and living in Germany. We made it happen.  My daughters came with us on the adventure and so did our friends, Matt and Heather.  Our 5 year plan is in action, slightly altered from the original, but still…here we are!

Dirk’s family is so happy to have him home,  the Omas stopped by this past week to check out Art of the Needle.  They seem to approve of our new tattoo shop.  (No Oma was tattooed during this visit, although I am told that they did discuss where they should place a tattoo should they get one in the future).

Omas in the Shop

13 thoughts on “Die Omas Approval

  1. I’ve been in a long distance relationship for close to five years now, so I understand the trepidation! I’m in Winnipeg, and he is in Seattle, and it’s tough. However, I think I should be moving there sometime in the spring of 2019!! (Building up job experience and paying off student loans first, ugh!) Thank you for sharing ☺

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  2. I want the Omas to get tattoos! Have you seen the Gran that got a ball of wool and knitting needles tattooed on her arm? It’s awesome. You must have made them so happy returning to Germany though and I think it’s just fantastic that two of your friends went to Germany with you too!

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    1. They were SO happy that I brought Dirk back. I think his whole family thought that some horrible American woman stole their precious son(he is an only child).
      Dirk has recently had several customers in their 70’s that have been tattooed. He sees a wide variety of ages in the shop, makes for fun stories!

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    1. I always think it’s great when people choose meaningful tattoos. I only have one that has any real meaning to me, it’s a hummingbird on my left upper chest for my grandmother. (Two of my cousins have one as well, all for our grandmother). All the rest are just random pieces that I like.
      Thank you. Yes, we do have a lovely love story I think! 🙂

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