4 Years in Germany

Yep, it’s the anniversary of our big move overseas! It’s hard to believe that we have been living abroad, in Deutschland for 4 years!  The time has just sailed by. I wish we had been able to move here sooner, but thankful that we were able to move when we did.

I am still so happy we made the big move.  Here are some of the things that I still love about living in Germany.

  1. Universal, affordable healthcare.  This is a no brainer.
  2. Reliable public transportation
  3. Super affordable food prices
  4. A Bakery on every corner.  I still find it hard to pass a bakery without stopping to make a purchase.  My waistline is proof of that.
  5. Sundays.  I love that most everything is closed on Sunday here in Germany.  It reminds me a bit of my childhood and is just such a stress reliever.
  6. I love being so close to the Netherlands, and France.  I also love being just a short flight to Ireland and Scotland.
  7. The McDonalds here have real fried pies, like the ones we had back in the day in the US.
  8. Dogs are allowed in most places, what’s not to love about that!?
  9. Public paths and trails all over the country.  It is very easy and safe to walk everywhere.
  10. Toilet paper with fun patterns.  Yep, still love this.  I try to find a different pattern each week.  (It doesn’t take much to entertain me).
  11. The chocolate and candy here in Europe is the BEST.  THE BEST, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. My HbA1C will attest to my love of the sweet things here. 
  12. Christmastime. The Yuletide in Deutschland is just Magical.  I recommend visiting the Christmas Markets at least once in your lifetime.  (Usually held in the first weeks of December) .
  13. Being able to afford to live on one income!  We could never live this well in the US with only one of us working outside the home.  I am thankful for this every single day!
  14. The windows.  Yes, I love German windows.  Just do a quick google search about German windows if you don’t know why I love them.  You will love them too, I promise.

Now, it is true there are things that I still miss about the United States too.  But in truth, the list is growing shorter all the time.

  1. Good Mexican or Tex-/Mex food.  I have found an online shop to buy what I need to make it at home.  But, I do miss going out with friends for Authentic Mexican food. I REALLY miss Diana’s Dads homemade tamales most of all.
  2. My family and friends.  Not going to lie, even this list is growing smaller, sadly.  But, there is a lot of truth in the Out of Sight Out of Mind phrase.  Many people that I had considered friends, have not even tried to keep the friendship alive from afar.  At first this bothered me quite a bit, but it is what it is, people do drift apart.  Especially when there is such a distance between.  This being said, I do have some really dear friends and family that I miss everyday.  
  3. Halloween celebrations.  It’s just not much of a thing here, sadly.
  4. I miss being fully understood when I talk.  I do have a few English speaking friends here, but we haven’t seen each other in MONTHS due to Covid.  Luckily, Jack, Newt and Binxy are all bilingual and understand me fully.  Now that somethings are getting back to ‘normal’ I will try to get back into some German language courses.  
  5. I really miss being able to order an unsweetened ice tea at a restaurant! Why is this not a thing here in Germany?  I have found sweetened or flavoured versions, even worse, I have found carbonated ice tea.  WTH?  Don’t worry, when I open our American Diner, I will serve Iced Tea.

It’s been a great 4 years, even with a pandemic raging on throughout the world.  We have built up a solid business, made good friends, moved to a wonderful house and we have added some sweet pets to top things off.  I am really looking forward to the next 4 years living here in Germany, with my best friend.

Me and Dirk 2021

Have you moved abroad, or even far from your place of birth?  What keeps you in your new home? What do you miss about your old home?  Let me know in the comments, I love to hear from you!

20 thoughts on “4 Years in Germany

  1. I love Europe. I would move to Oslo, Helsinki or London tomorrow if my family would go with me. I pick those three because they are the places I’ve spent the most time. I live over 600 miles from where I grew up. I miss the small town atmosphere and the slower place of life The DC suburbs lack that but also any benefit of living in a city. I would go home tomorrow as well but my family is here so I am stuck.
    I’m glad you love Germany. Loving the place you live is important.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We plan to move to Germany within the next few years! My fiancé is fluent in German while I’m taking lessons. I’m so excited about it and can’t wait. We’re still trying to figure out where, exactly, we want to move! Wether to rent or buy…so many decisions!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You seem so happy! I am glad for you and your family. I’m always glad to see something from you in email.

    After Covid, we moved back to the U.S. from Mexico having lived in Tequisquiapan, in the State of Queretaro, and Mazatlan, in Sinaloa. We needed better opportunities for medical care. Although it is inexpensive there, the private hospitals are small and the public hospitals do not have the best of reputations outside of Mexico City.

    Covid changed everything.

    We’d planned to use Mexico as a base for traveling, then discovered that we needed a home base in a culture we feel comfortable with as we made terrible Mexicans. LOL We are much too quiet. The food and the people there are wonderful though.

    Our children are glad to have us back in the States, so that’s a good thing. Publishing will also be easier now that we are back.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Cherie, I left Australia to live in Moscow, Russia at the end of 2006. Lived in Moscow until March last year, and now my husband and I are happily living in a Bulgarian village! We bought a house here at the end of last year and are now fully installed in village life. Can’t say I miss anything about Australia (family and friends are the exception, of course). What I love about living away from my native country is the possibility to learn about other cultures and history (sounds boring, right?! It isn’t when you’re living it!), making new friends which then leads me to discover more about myself. Living in Europe is of course great when travel is possible, but it’s still nice to be here and create another new chapter in our lives. x

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Cherie. I can understand why you love Germany. We holiday there almost every year and we love it. (Not since Jan 2020 as you know why😄)
    Everything you listed is so true.
    Glad to hear you’re still happy there. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I envy your adventure and proximity to all the places I dream of going. But I hear you. Unsweetened iced tea was the one thing I absolutely craved when we were in France… Europeans just don’t get it. But the rest of your list sounds marvelous. Real fried pies! I miss those.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes we have moved from Cape Town, South Africa to Vancouver, BC in Canada some 24 years ago. The only thing that I truly truly miss, being my family and close friends. Yes, unfortunately you do loose many friends, but those that stick are your true true friends and will never miss a step.

    Food wise, I am not fussy, and do not miss anything, but we do have some SA stores and should I really wish to spoil ourselves, then I can go and buy some SA products.

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      1. Yes same here, some of those friends that did not stick, I did not anticipate to drop out, but stuff happens, and we grow in different directions. Should they get in touch in future, I will not hold a grudge

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  8. I miss many of the things that you love about Germany. Not the quiet Sunday’s though! I love that everything is open on a Sunday here. It is so convenient. It’s funny, I now have 2 countries to miss as I still miss many things about Australia, especially family, friends and food :). I can’t wait to be able to travel again so we can visit both Germany and Australia. In the meantime, we will have to do with exploring more of Portugal.

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