Jack and Newt are Friends and Life Goes on.

Well, it is official.  Jack the Dog and Newt the Cat are friends.  The two can now both be in the same room without trying to kill each other…most of the time.  It is still very much like a Tom and Jerry cartoon at the house, there is much chasing and trying to catch, but now it goes both ways.  Jack the Dog will chase Newt the Cat, then Newt will turn around and chase Jack.  This goes on most of the day.  Then, they nap very near each other, and sometimes there are sweet nose kisses.  They have become friends.


There is animal fur everywhere.  EVERYWHERE.  I vacuum the apartment everyday (Except Sunday, Sundays you must be quiet here in Germany.  You must also tolerate the occasional large fluff of dog fur floating past or landing on you as you sit in my home. Sorry, I am just following German rules for living.  No noise on Sunday).  I do not know how there can be SO MUCH fur, everywhere!  I may take up knitting, and just recycle all this fur. Just Kidding, that is disgusting.

We spent the past Sunday at my In Law’s home to celebrate Mother’s Day.  Both of Dirk’s Oma’s were there as well.  Mother’s Day is not my favorite day.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a proud Mama.  But, it’s a difficult day to celebrate since both my Mom and my Grandmas have all left this world.  This was also the first year that I did not have both my daughters together, or even on the same continent.  We still had a nice day, and a good meal. We were able to Face Time with Sierra.  It was a very rainy day, and that seemed to fit the mood for me.  I saw many posts on Face Book making reference to Mother’s who may not enjoy Mother’s Day, but my favorite was a blog post from Jenny Lawson, AKA The Bloggess.  She has a great way of telling it like it is. You can read it here.

So, here we are on Monday.  There is near peace in my household.  My oldest daughter is planning a trip to visit us here in Germany in January.  (She will be here to Celebrate Dirk’s 50th birthday!).  Dirk is at work, Cheyenne is at the Vet’s office and I am vacuuming the damn apartment again.  Life goes on.

34 thoughts on “Jack and Newt are Friends and Life Goes on.

  1. Wow that’s a lot of fur in the apartment. I have a Labrador boy and his fur is all over the house. When we sweep the house daily, there is so much of it. I have also thought of how many sweaters could have been knit.
    Mother’s Day was routine for me. I have lost my mum and remembered her. My mil was here and we just had a quiet day.

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  2. I’m sorry to hear about your mom and grandmas. Though I am happy to hear you’re experiencing peace, if a furry one at home. The no noise rule in Germany on Sundays is very interesting. Is that a holdover of resting on the seventh day or something else?
    I’m glad your oldest will be visiting soon. That sounds like fun and fun to plan!

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  3. YAY- to Jack and Newt being friends. This is excellent news. I love the photos of them both on Instagram. I presently can only imagine how tough Mother’s Day must be for you. Probably made all the worse by social media rubbing our faces in it. I’m glad you still managed to have a nice day with good food though.

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  4. Although I miss cuddling with my dogs and cats, the one thing I do not miss is the constant vacuuming of the fur. Wow, that quiet time rule in Germany is something new I learned today.

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  5. Not to turn your stomach – but I have seen a jumper made out of knitted dog hair (BARF). Luckily my two don’t cast, so we don’t really have that issue, and I’m laughing trying to imagine how my boys would deal with noiseless Sundays, they would be tortured lol!

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  6. Good news on the new friendshipbut bad news on the fur problem! We’re visiting our daughter who has a 6month old Labrador puppy and a huge rabbit and I can relate to your fur issues, it’s everywhere here too. Love the idea of quiet Sunday’s by the way. #mlstl

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  7. I do not miss the fur from the dog I had, but I am not much of an animal person so all is good. I am not a big fan of mother’s day for many reasons and I have a future blog on the subject.

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  8. We don’t have pets although I know my husband would love a dog. I love your photos of these two getting on so well. I share your thoughts on Mother’s Day. My grandmother died before I was born (all of my grandparents had passed actually) and my Mother lost her battle with breast cancer 32 years ago. Each year I run in the Mother’s Day Classic in memory of my Mum and to honour her courage. I usually run with my daughter and it is a lovely way to start Mother’s Day. This year though my daughter is 3 weeks away from having her second child so I ran solo. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Midlife Share the Love Party and have a great week! #MLSTL

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  9. Glad they are getting along…so much fun to watch the antics. We have two Goldendoodles, a 13 month old and an 10 month old. The older one doesn’t shed – he’s 3/4 Poodle adn 1/4 Golden Retriever. The younger does but it’s like puffy fluffs rather than individual hairs – he’s 1/4 Poodle, 1/4 Golden Retriever and 1/2 Rough Collie. They are quite the pair!

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  10. Im glad to hear that they’re becoming friends! I can relate to having fur everywhere. My three cats shed like crazy and I would be vacuuming every day too if I cared enough.

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  11. I think it’s so neat when a dog and a cat become friends. When I was a girl, we had a male cat named Moses who befriended a neighbor’s dog, Boniface. We nicknamed them Bo and Mo whenever we saw them together. Good luck in keeping your place free of animal hair. I have a houseful of cats and that’s a full time job! 😉

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